“Top 5 Advantages” of Online Qualitative Research – Explaining Concrete Examples and Tips Based on 2,500 Cases.

"Top 5 Advantages" of Online Qualitative Research - Explaining Concrete Examples and Tips Based on 2,500 Cases.

Recommended for people like this

  • Those who want to efficiently conduct qualitative research around COVID by utilizing online tools.
  • Those who have experienced trouble with conducting online surveys.
  • Those who want to conduct their online surveys in-house.

"Qualitative interviews" are used to uncover the benefits and latent needs of consumers through the words and actions of the subjects.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, these surveys were typically conducted at survey sites or through home visits, and were considered valuable and effective because they allowed researchers to meet face-to-face with their target audience.

During those times, we were forced to adapt using alternative measures like "Online Survey Sessions" to tackle the effects of the Corona pandemic. Through our numerous research findings, we have discovered the value and significance of conducting online interviews.
Currently, we provide seamless qualitative research by recommending and actively implementing online surveys based on the research objectives, with a manual approach.

In this issue, Asmarq employees, who are experts in qualitative research, will present the "Definitive Guide to Online Qualitative Research," based on their experience in conducting over 2,500 online interviews in the past. This is a one-stop guide to online qualitative research, with a collection of specific examples and tips. 
In this article, Asmarq's on-site employee specialists will share their expertise on online qualitative research based on their experience gained through conducting over 2,500 online interviews. We present to you the "Definitive Guide to Online Qualitative Research" – a comprehensive guide that provides specific examples and tips to help you understand everything you need to know about online qualitative research.

Facilitator: Kie Hatake, Asmarq Marketing Group


  • Top 5 advantages of conducting online interviews

  • Troubleshooting tips based on experience

  • Importance of preparing for online survey sessions

  • How to choose a service to use

  • Q&A session


Shinya Takeuchi
Group 2 Leader, Sales Dept.

Joined the company as a new graduate in 2016. He proposes and designs research methods to meet the needs of clients who develop all manners of products including food, beverages, daily necessities, home appliances and even industrial companies. Utilizing his experience in conducting online surveys on-site, he is a member of the online surveying project team and is involved in a diverse range of activities from service development to providing research methods and know-how.

Rie Itaya
Manager, Direction Group, Sales Dept.

After working as a researcher in the apparel industry, she joined the company mid-career in 2012. As a planning sales assistant, she was involved in a wide range of activities from sales support to planning, tabulation, actual survey management, and report writing. Currently in the Direction G, she is also in charge of i-PORT voice development.

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