How do monitors respond to surveys?

Related words :
marketing-research, market-research, monitor


First, we target monitors with the desired demographic characteristics (such as “residents of the metropolitan area” or “men in their 20s to 40s”) from our in-house panel. To avoid bias, we randomly select the necessary sample size and send out an invitation email with the survey URL.

Monitors who receive the email can click on the URL to access the survey page and submit their answers. Monitors who do not fit the target do not receive the invitation email and cannot respond to the survey. Additionally, we have controls in place to prevent multiple responses to the same survey, ensuring that monitors cannot submit more than one response.

If a survey has a large number of questions and takes time to complete the survey, we can configure it so that respondents can pause their responses and later resume from where they left off.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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