Focus group discussion

Focus group discussion

Focus group interviewing is a survey method to collect various opinions and information. It is conducted by a moderator who asks questions about the survey theme to about 6 respondents and makes them discuss freely.

What is Focus Group Interviewing (FGI)?

Focus group interviewing is a survey method to collect various opinions and information. It is conducted by a moderator who asks questions related to the topic of the survey topic to the participants, around 6 in general. The moderator also invites them to discuss freely about the theme of the survey. The best feature is that a moderator and consumers meet face-to-face, which enables researchers to collect consumers' honest opinions. One of the pros is that it is easier to obtain a wide range of ideas actively exchanged thanks to the interaction of the group discussion.

In brief, the purpose of FGI is to understand the unconscious mind of consumers and the context of their behavior. FGI allows researchers to know specific episodes, reasons for their answers, and what consumers are not aware of by themselves, which cannot be known through quantitative research such as questionnaires.

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Features of ASMARQ's Focus Group Interviewing (FGI)

Recruiting Know-How Accumulated through 23-Year Experience

ASMARQ recruits participants that match your criteria with our 23-year experience, know-how accumulated through the top-level number of recruitments in the CLT's field, accurate check-ups based on abundant knowledge, and various recruiting methods.

Well-Experienced Moderators

In FGI, the matching of a moderator and the characteristics of the survey is crucial because moderators significantly influence results. With our vast network, we can assign the best moderator well-experienced in the FGI methodology and well-versed in the survey theme, e.g., child care, business, fashions, pets, ITs, nursing, etc.

Dedicated Team to Manage and Direct on the Implementation Date

Our dedicated teams will prepare for, set up, and manage on the implementation date so you can trust our service even if it is your first time. The interview environment plays an important role in the qualitative research: It can influence the respondents statements which correspond to the output of the interview.

Various Interview Rooms That Matches the Theme

Selecting a proper room based on the attribute of respondents, survey themes, etc. is one of the important factors that affect the result of the interview. ASMARQ can arrange a room that matches the theme from our affiliated facilities and vast networks. We own our interview rooms with the newest equipment, too.

Large Scale Questionnaire Panels

With our top-level scale of survey panels, including ASMARQ's proprietary panels consisting of 1,000,000 panelists and affiliated panels composed of 18 million members, we can reach out to a large target even for respondents who are hard to recruit.

Occasions for Making Use of Focus Group Interviewing (FGI)

  • Collecting Data from the Viewpoint of Consumers

    It is essential to catch the consumers' trends either to develop products or to make proper marketing strategy. With the FGI, interviews with multiple participants can be conducted simultaneously, and many opinions can be collected thanks to participants who are actively interacting with each other.

  • Probing Consumers' Purchase Psychology and Behavior

    The FGI allows researchers to know the psychology and behavior of users when they purchase products and if their marketing strategies are successful by asking consumers about specific episodes and situations. Asking questions directly to participants can lead researchers to clarify the details that cannot be known in quantitative surveys. Also, active discussion can enable us to learn the consumer's unconscious mind and the context of their behavior they are not aware of.

  • Verifying the Actual Conditions of Consumers

    Sometimes, your marketing strategies may not match consumers' needs or not be working effectively. Researching how consumers purchase and use the products and what they need in daily life, more precisely with the FGI, will enable your marketing strategies to be conducted from a viewpoint closer to the consumers' one.

Use cases for group interviews

Moderator Profiles

moderator-profiles_img01 moderator-profiles_img02 moderator-profiles_img03 moderator-profiles_img04
Age 30s 40s 30s 40s
Independent freelance moderator for 3 years (and 5 years experience beforehand) More than 10 years Independent freelance researcher & moderator for 10+ years Independent freelance moderator for at least 4 years (prior to that, 12 years experience while working for a research firm)
Usability, IT, Entertainment, Gaming, Tobacco, Alcohol, Apparel, Healthcare Credit card, Financial, Apparel, Fashion, Luxury, Entertainment,
Gaming, Healthcare, Cosmetics Hair/ Body / Face / Foot Care, men’s cosmetics, IT/Internet/Web service, Digital Device / Mobile Phones, Dental, Food & Beverage, Toys/Children’s Research, Travel/Tourism,
Food & Beverages, Beauty & Personal Care, Healthcare Food & Beverage, Retail & EC, Software & Apps, Entertainment (Game & Movie), Financial Services, OTC Medicine, Cosmetics & Hair-care, Pet Foods
Number of
IDI & FGI (face to face, online),In-home IDI & FGI (face to face, online), In-home, On-sight (bar etc.), Shop-along, Workshop, Phone, Online community, Store intercept IDI & FGI (Max. 3-4 people), Ethnography, Observational research, Online community, Diary studies IDI & FGI (face to face, online), In-home, Shop-along, Workshop, Online community
Languages English, Japanese (native English speaker. Moderation and Report are available in both languages) Moderation: Japanese,
English Report: Japanese, English
Moderation: Japanese,
English Report: Japanese, English
Japanese (moderation),
English (report/briefing only)

Example projects

Recruitment of 6 participants for FGI

Requirements consumers who take breakfast every day
Options none
Other Assuming the client will prepare the rewards

Recruitment for 4 groups of 6 participants for FGI

Requirements The users of a particular product from Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, and Kanagawa
Options Arranging the venue and moderator, briefing the moderator, creating the interview flow and transcripts in Japanese
Other Compensation is 70$, one-day research; interviewing time is 120 minutes